News from your local councillors

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Focus on King's Hedges: Campaign Updates from the Team

Monday 5 January 2009


At the last NAC we made burglary a local police priority due to the worrying rise in burglaries.

If you see anyone acting suspiciously please do report it to the police on 0845 456 456 4. Use 999 if you think a crime is happening! The police need this information to build up pictures even if it isn't enough to catch a burglar on its own.

The main reason for this post is that in the December Neighbourhood Watch newsletter the police mention something called Smart Water, which they say is "a fantastic way of marking your property and making it less desirable to burglars and thieves, etc. It is virtually invisible to the naked eye, can be applied to just about anything and once applied is practically impossible to remove."

If you are interested go to the SmartWater website for more details.

There will be more on what the police have done later.

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